Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rain Delay

When I started training for the bike tour, I told myself that I would bike NO MATTER WHAT. I would stick to my schedule and never waver. Well, that turned out to be a big fat lie. The truth is, I'm not as hardcore as I thought I'd be, and I'm okay with my wussy self. I stayed warm and dry inside the house and knitted some hats.

Well, after two weeks of rain nonsense I started to get cranky and twitchy. Last Wednesday I decided enough was enough, I would ride rain or shine. I lucked out and did not get wet, and I was so happy to be on the bike I changed my planned 20km ride to a 25, and enjoyed every second of it. Last week I rode for a total of 73km. Including a 30km jaunt on Saturday. My legs are no longer twitchy, and my countenance has greatly improved. So has my leg strength. Right now my averages are such that I should be able to complete each leg in about four hours. My goal is three hours, so I think that is doable in the next three months. This is powerful motivation, so powerful I may ride in the rain next time....