Wednesday, December 1, 2010

On My Needles

I decided to be all adventurous this month and try a mystery knit with a couple of my friends. For those of you that are now going huh?, a mystery knit is, well, a mystery. You don't know what the pattern is, and you knit it up in different sections. When I saw the first part of the pattern I thought the crochet provisional cast on would be the hardest part, but I was wrong of course. I don't know what is wrong with me on this, I had to re-start this section six different times and failed miserably each time. After one evening with my knitting gurus, Erica and Odessa, I was on the right track and this section knit up pretty fast. I have now read through the instructions for the second part and COMPLETELY DO NOT UNDERSTAND THEM! Maybe I am too slow for mystery knits. Now I must hang my head in shame again and ask for help....sigh.  On the bright side, this is the yarn I'm using, it's yummy.

 A nice view of my crochet provisional cast on....I totally rocked that out!

The first section. I couldn't get a good picture of the texture, it's a wave pattern. I also think I'm going to dye this after it's done, I don't like the pink section and think it distracts from the pattern.

I started these when I was having so much trouble with my mystery knit. It's a super easy mitten pattern and the bright Noro yarn will cheer me up all winter. 

1 comment:

Meghan said...

I love Noro yarn! making Russ a very masculine scarf at the moment...or at least was until there was a major structural failure.