Sunday, November 8, 2009


One of my goals this week was to consume most of my liquids in the form of water. I did this because, well, I usually prefer my liquids to come in the artificial fizzy variety. Is this healthy? No. Natural? Again, no. Delicious? Yes sir. Considering my attitude on the matter, I figure I need some incentive in the form of the MOST AWESOME WATER GLASS EVER!!

Drink your water!

Yup, that should do it.


Anonymous said...

Cool glass!

Jsut a thought... I am always surprised to remember how much I love citrus water when it is offered to me... Throw a couple of slices of lemon, orange, lime or any combination thereof into a jug of water and let them sit - the beauty is that you can use the slices for more than one jug...

Come to think of it, I am off to the grocery store... tomorrow.


Meghan said...

Yes, think of water as the ultimate spa and sliced cucumber, and you are set.