Thursday, April 1, 2010

Always Read Directions

I have been avoiding running for the past week, mainly because week 3 of the program scared the crap out of me the first time I tried it. It was so intense I could only finnish half, then retreated whimpering to the stretching area. That was last Monday. On Wednesday I was still so sore from Monday I reverted to my week 2 schedule, then went home sure I was not cut out for this whole thing.

Fast forward to today, my 31st birthday (yes, I am aware I am a fool, and you will be as well as this story continues). I told myself I would kick the shit out of that workout in order to start my new year off right. The night before my workout I decided to double check my program and noticed the pages were out of order. I had not tried the week 3 workout as scheduled, but had rocketed forward to week 5. Although I felt like a total moron, I also felt better because I then looked at week 3, and week 3 was totally doable. So this morning, to celebrate my birthday I ran, and while the first half was way more difficult then the second, I completed my workout. My last thought as I got off the treadmill was "maybe I am strong enough to do this." Strong enough, for sure! Smart enough? That's debatable.


Political Science Blog said...

Ok, so you have totally inspired me, I've taken it up too, though I'm a bit behind you. You got this... kick 31's ass!

Jacqueline said...

Happy Birthday! (Glad to know that I am not the only one who is a bit dyslexic when it comes to directions!)


Ms. Caddywumpus said...

Happy Birthday! We're only 29 days apart, you and I. Good stuff.
Oh, and that's nothing - ask Jen P about the time we were supposed to run 8 KM (it was to be my longest run to date) and instead mapped out 8 MILES...long story short, it was my longest run to date, to the tune of an extra 4 km, but I survived and was wowed and encouraged by what I could do. Oh, and you've totally got me going to run again. I went out twice in a week. It's a start!